What Are the 10 Essentials to a Learning Path?

What Are the 10 Essentials to a Learning Path?


When creating a course or curriculum, we include activities such as learning modules, quizzes, documents, or videos.  The definition of Learning Path is a string or sequence of learning activities. A learning path is a more rich, flexible structure. When we define learning paths for our students, we must keep many variables in mind. Examples include different paths for different job roles or user groups. We can also enable rules allowing certain users to skip certain content such as testing out of modules. Perhaps your training content does not apply to learners in certain job locations. Sections of the content might apply to certain job roles and not others, i.e., a sales representative versus a customer service representative. 

10 things to consider when developing learning paths 

1. Learning paths can have various presentation styles, is there value to have different visuals?  –Maybe participants are from different countries or different divisions of a company. You may want to present different visual templates to specific users. Differentiate learners by presenting unique logos or branding – same content but distinctive look. Most learning management systems require you to create different courses or curricula to address this – Instancy allows you to create content once and reuse and deliver it uniquely.  

2. Allow the user to complete the course content per their desires or do you require learners to complete the courses in a defined prerequisite structure in the learning path. We have all been students where we view the table of contents or course outline and we naturally choose modules of more interest. There are other courses where we must take the course in a more structured manner. Learning paths allow you to define how and when learners receive access to content, media, assessments, and instructor interaction. 

3. If you offer certificates after completion of a learning event, you may offer a generic certificate of completion or a more official certification. With Instancy, define who receives which certificate in your course creation and include it in your learning path.  

4. Include discussion forums in your learning path. The attendees or invitees of a discussion may change depending on the different learning paths. 

5. Depending on the specific learning path, you may allow supplemental material such as media files or documents available for download to some but not all students. Identify this in the Instancy platform. 

6. Instancy allows instructors and students to connect and message each other within the context of learning path.  

7. Reports within learning paths are granular. Students can view their progress reports item by item or overall at the level. The administrator gets reports on all the users, and how they are progressing on the learning path. In some cases, you may wish to have different due dates for each learner – with Instancy, you can easily do that and a user’s progress report also reflects their due date. 

8. Instructors and learners can communicate via a messaging app built into the learning path interface. 

9. Create a library of learning paths for your course and allow users to self-enroll. Assign a learning path based on job roles or groups. Allow learner profiles to dictate learning paths. 

10. Use learning paths for a more self-serve model. Have a learning portal where users review and evaluate the catalog. Learners can choose one or more learning paths that you offer. This is popular in eCommerce functions where users pay for their learning or you offer a membership subscription for a library of content. 

Learning paths are becoming more popular because you want your learning to be blended, more flexible and create new learning paths using the content you already created.  

Let’s discuss learning paths and how the Instancy Learning Platform helps you create, manage, and deliver learning paths to your learners. 


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