Breaking out of the Traditional, Monolithic Learning Management Technology

Breaking out of the Traditional, Monolithic Learning Management Technology


Breaking out of the Traditional, Monolithic Learning Management Technology. e Learning 3.0, 2.0, 1.0? How is Web 2.0 Breaking Out of the eLearning 1.0 box? And Web 3.0, 2.0 Learning Technologies


How is web 2.0 breaking out of the eLearning 1.0 box? Web 2.0 technologies enable rapid knowledge content creation by not just having a one-directional information flow from the instructional designer or subject matter expert to the learner. There is a big push now to encourage participation from the end-users/knowledge-workers – a community–based learning and knowledge management environment. You tap into the intelligence and expertise of practitioners in the field to get the best possible results. You give them tools to quickly capture and share their knowledge. You make that knowledge searchable. Search engines are becoming part of both the creation and deployment of knowledge content. Also, Web 2.0 technologies allow you to integrate through the use of web services like what is now called mashups. These technologies allow the information to be linked with business processes more easily. Now you have more rapid content creation, dissemination, and more importantly, contextualization. The consumer-oriented internet applications and social networking technologies like online discussions, reviews, shared calendar, photos, video, and contact sharing are beginning to enter enterprise learning and knowledge management.


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