Building & Maintaining Scalable Learning Content Using Instancy LCMS/Authoring

Building and Maintaining Scalable Learning Content Using Instancy LCMS/Authoring

Let us show you how the Instancy Learning Platform and robust authoring tools streamline your course creation….

Use the eLearning Course Module editor to create multimedia and rich interactive content without writing a single line of code.
1.Create multilingual content
2.Enable full-text search
3.Auto-convert existing documents into eLearning content

Every learning organization needs a learning content management system at the center of their learning infrastructure to provide blended, personalized, and on-going learning experience to the students. Instancy’s Learning Content Management System, or the iLCMS, is a one-stop repository of learning objects, that can help you:

1.Create multiple content workspaces for designers, authors, reviewers, and publishers

2.Provide collaborative access and version control for your digital content

3.Publish the content to Instancy’s Learning Management System with a single click…

4.Or export the content to an eLearning content standard of your choice from a single source (SCORM, xAPI or AICC)

Are you looking to empower your learning design and development team to create personalized learning that can keep the demand of your stakeholders and customers in line with the speed of your business?

Instancy’s cloud-based authoring tools enable you to speed up your eLearning content development and maintenance process by allowing collaboration among the geographically diverse teams.

We need your input!

Instancy provides assessment and survey tools to measure the effectiveness of your online training. With different assessment questions available, including Drag and Drop and short answer, create assessments that drill into the effectiveness of the training and any changed behavior.

Create branded certificates with dynamic data fields and attach them to any eLearning course.

Create or edit supplementary and reusable content objects like webpages, glossaries, forums & reference links to external sources and reuse them within your micro learning courses or classroom programs.

Whether you want to create an eLearning course with a pre-requisite structure or create a blended one, combining classroom events with social collaborations Instancy learning track editor has got you covered!

You can also separate your content presentation layer from the content by selecting a theme from our theme library, branding it, and applying it to your content. The best part?

You can change your theme anytime without needing to rebuild the whole course from scratch!

Instancy’s eLearning Authoring automates responsive and adaptive course development by using the latest web design techniques used only by the pros so that you can create your content once and deliver it your learners on any device of their choice… desktop, tablet, smartphone…

Instancy’s eLearning Authoring automates responsive and adaptive course development by using the latest web design techniques used only by the pros so that you can create your content once and deliver it your learners on any device of their choice… desktop, tablet, smartphone…

So, if you are looking to create micro-learning courses or personalized learning paths for your learners faster, Instancy’s eLearning Authoring will put all the required tools at your disposal.

Customers have experienced more than a 50%-time savings in creating an eLearning library with Instancy compared to traditional tools and methods.View the video on our Learning Content Management System

With built-in authoring tools integrated right into the iLCMS, you can create many types of content in multiple languages, all while ensuring that your content plays on desktop browsers and on any mobile device.

In addition to helping you create new content, the iLCMS enables you to upload and manage external content files or packages and combine them with content created within the iLCMS to build your blended learning programs.

With built-in authoring tools integrated right into the iLCMS, you can create many types of content in multiple languages, all while ensuring that your content plays on desktop browsers and on any mobile device.

In addition to helping you create new content, the iLCMS enables you to upload and manage external content files or packages and combine them with content created within the iLCMS to build your blended learning programs.

Reuse content objects

The iLCMS facilitates the reuse of content objects within other larger objects. For example, images, videos, audio files or webpages may be used within multiple Learning Modules. Similarly, supplementary content resources such as a Glossary, Certificates, or Discussions may be linked with multiple learning modules.

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