Creating Branded Online Learning Community and Mobile App, Conference 2017, Raleigh, NC

Creating Global Branded Online Learning Community and Mobile App Conference, Raleigh, NC


A branded eLearning portal for online learning communities with a branded mobile learning app for training organization and education institutions to deliver the training they desire.

Training organizations, education institutions and experts/authors now have a platform that helps you create a branded learning portal and mobile apps to create an active learning community. You can create a learning website, content and publish a mobile learning app without getting into software programming, scripting and software/hardware infrastructure management. You can begin to focus on creating the right learning content for your audience and scale up your business.


Online Learning Community and Mobile App Conference, Raleigh, NC

Maybe you’re not offering online courses yet or maybe you’re are looking to upgrade your current system to personalize learning or provide blended learning programs that combine virtual classroom with self-paced learning.

In this session we’ll explore delivering instruction in variety of learning modes and blending or combining them and personalizing the sequence for maximum impact.

• Interactive and media rich eLearning courses
• Assessments, quizzes or tests
• Discussion forums
• Document management
• Audio, Video based learning
• Surveys
• Events and Web Conferences
• eBooks
• Certification


Learning Objectives

• Understand the key systems, integrated eCommerce, and components needed for establishing an online website to deliver online learning
• Combine formal learning with social and informal learning
• Engage with your audience and involve them in content creation
• Discover ways to create Mobile Native Learning App to access learning
• Deliver personalization rules within your learning programs
• Learning Analytics

Know More About the Conference atCreating Global Branded Online Learning Community and Mobile App Conference, Raleigh, NC.


Your learning business is unique. We configure the right learning platform solution that fits you like a glove.

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