Experience API, xAPI, Tin Can API Integrated Learning Management System

Experience API, xAPI, Tin Can API Integrated Learning Management System


Experience API, xAPI, Tin Can API Based Integrated Learning Management System and HTML5 based Authoring Tool and Platform form Instancy.


No doubt the new learning world has arrived with the speed of mobility, as Web 3.0 has become the new reality in organizations. The use of Android devices by Samsung, Motorola, and HTC, along with the Apple iPhone and iPad, has changed the way everyone receives and retains information. Additionally, we can now create new and intriguing mobile learning apps without coding.  Because there is always something new to discover, enhancing contemporary learning and increasing the knowledge base on a wide array of platforms are essential.

Traditional eLearning standards like SCORM (conceived in the late 1990s) are inadequate to meet the demands of digital and distributed learning today. We need a more flexible learning architecture that can enable learning to occur anyplace, anytime, with any device and support myriads of learning opportunities from traditional courseware, games, simulations and social interactions and sharing.

Instancy and its Tin Can API integration is now the answer. Implementing Tin Can API Integration within the Instancy Learning Management System (iLMS), along with Instancy Learning Content Management Systems (iLCMS), can create an integrated learning environment that interoperates data with other learning systems and legacy enterprise applications.

Instancy’s Tin Can API support allows you to:

  • Package your eLearning content with built-in support for Tin Can API after creating it within Instancy’s easy-to-use Authoring tools
  • Deliver the content through Instancy LMS and track user progress through a Learning Record Store (LRS)
  • Have it all translated into a learning progress report or a dashboard  

Instancy Learningplatform supports this new interoperability specification from Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), Tin Can API also known as Experience API, to help any organization create, deliver and track learning content seamlessly on the web and mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

The Instancy web-based authoring and Learning Content Management System (iLCMS) are designed to help you create SCORM compliant content. The iLCMS not only supports traditional SCORM (eLearning specification for content packaging and interoperability) but also supports the latest Tin Can API.

Tin Can API based eLearning content developed with Instancy web authoring tools & LCMS can be:

  • Delivered onto the web and mobile devices
  • Tracked within Instancy LMS for learner progress reporting 
  • Exported as SCORM packages with built-in Tin Can API calls for third party LMS/LRS delivery

The mobile learning content resources can be:

  • Delivered through a mobile browser
  • Downloaded on the mobile device via Instancy Native App framework.

Tracking offline and synching the learner experience and progress are also critical ingredients:

  • Instancy Platform and the Mobile App framework support learner experience supports offline tracking and synching with an LRS
  • Learning content may also be downloaded on a mobile device within the Instancy native learning app
  • The downloaded content can be launched in offline mode
  • The student experience and progress data is recorded locally on a mobile device, then synched back with the LRS when Internet access is available.

Next generation learning is here now – freedom to learn anywhere and on any device is what your audience expects. With Instancy, all the pieces of the next generation learning architecture puzzle come together. Tin Can API is a key component of next general learning architecture and Instancy is mission is to help you get there faster and better.


Your learning business is unique. We configure the right learning platform solution that fits you like a glove.

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