Harvey Singh - Instancy Learning Platform and Social Learning Network

Founder & CEO

Harvey Singh

Harvey Singh is the CEO and founder of Instancy, a web and mobile learning and knowledge platform and solutions company. Harvey also served as an advisor to eLearning standards organizations such as ADL and IMS. In 2001, he was nominated for the eLearning Executive of the Year award. At MindLever, Harvey was the visionary and principal architect behind creating the industry’s first system for rapid interactive content authoring, management, and personalization using a pioneer learning object and dynamic content delivery methodology.

MindLever received the Intrepid Company of the Year award in 2001 from The Council for Entrepreneurial Development in North Carolina. Prior to MindLever, Harvey co-founded Empower Corporation, an online learning product design and development outsourcing company which broke new ground in the areas of simulations, games, performance support, and story-based learning environments. 

Harvey has Master degree in both computer science and education at Stanford University and under graduate degree in computer science at North Carolina State University. He started his career in learning technology at Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow in 1991 (Apple Computer’s ACOT lab).

Tom Dover

“I have been building eLearning courses for over 25 years and when I saw Instancy learning platform, I fell in love with the system. The support team has been great to work with”

Tom Dover

Dover Telecommunication