LCMS with Image Editor

Instancy Image Editor

Simple image editor within the learning content management system to make eLearning content a bit more easy
LCMS with Image Editor

Image Editor Features

LCMS with Image Editor

eLearning authors can edit images with a built-in image editor

1.      Change image alignment

2.     Add image caption

3.     Display properties (CSS)

4.    Image border (rounded, shadow, bordered)

5.    Add alternative Text

6.    Change image size

Microlearning Editor
Solutions Resources

Image Upload

Learner can upload image from the library or from the live URL and change the styling of the image (rounded, bordered, shadow)  add ALT TEXT to the image (which is useful in SEO), adding image caption

Explore More Resources

Survey Editor

Create and deliver Surveys to complete the learning loop


Learning Path Editor

Assemble and deliver a sequence of learning objects


Reports and Dashboards

Analyze learning progress data with ease

Microsoft PowerBI Integration

Analyze data through Microsoft PowerBI Plug-in

Tom Dover

“I have been building eLearning courses for over 25 years and when I saw Instancy learning platform, I fell in love with the system. The support team has been great to work with”

Tom Dover

Dover Telecommunication