Mobile Learning Management System Makeover

Mobile Learning Management System Makeover


A Complete Mobile Learning Management System Makeover Which Provides Your Learners with Portable Gateway, on the all Mobile Devices like Phones and Tablets. The Instancy Mobile Learning Management System (Mobile iLMS) was released today with a new user interface. Mobile iLMS comes in two flavors – Mobile Web App (requiring no download from an app store) and a Native App that can be downloaded from an App store. In this post, we’ll talk about the Mobile Web App; more on the Native App in our next article….stay tuned. What is a Mobile Learning Management System? A Mobile Learning Management System provides your learners with a single on-demand learning portal and gateway, on the mobile devices (phones and tablets) that they are using today..

Mobile and eLearning Management System Makeover

mobile LMS lets your learner community use all the features of your LMS on their portable devices.  Learners can search for and enroll in classes, and report their progress.  More importantly, learners can take courses and engage with instructors and other students on their devices.  Learners can view video, audio, documents, tests and assessments and online courses. Each learner can follow a personalized learning track, if that is the way your system is set up. In other words, a mobile LMS lets your users do everything they used to need a PC for, on their phone or tablet. Mobile iLMS new interface updates the entire learner experience.   Sign-up with Social Login By enabling social login, you can make the registration process easy. New users can sign-up with their Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, or Twitter IDs, instead of  asking them to set up yet another new profile and new login credentials to remember. Sign-up with Social Login Side Menu Navigation The menu navigation now offers easy to use side navigation that may accessed from anywhere in the mobile iLMS App. This solves the problem of having many menus on the main app screens that take away much screen space. Users can see where they are and where they can go. Side Menu Navigation Content Purchasing Made Easy If your implementation of the mobile iLMS supports retail sales, the new mobile interface makes the process of buying learning content easier for your clients. A new shopping cart icon shows the number of items in their shopping cart. Learners can access the shopping cart at any time from catalog listing or from the content details page. Also, users have the choice of paying online with a credit card option or offline (with a purchase order, check, etc.). Content Purchasing Made Easy Browsing Content by Category Users can filter learning content by categories and sub-categories. The “tree view” category structure helps users browse content easily. Browsing Content by Category Alphabetical “People Listing” The “People listing” interface has been improved to search people by alphabetic order. Users can just scroll down to see users’ names by letter of the alphabet.  Names can be sorted by first name or by last name. Alphabetical "People Listing" Improved Catalog Interface The catalog interface has been redesigned to keep easy navigation in mind. Items in the next page of the catalog are loaded when users reach the end of the scroll. This approach reduces bandwidth consumption and loads catalog items faster Improved Catalog Interface We are excited about the new Mobile iLMS features and usability.  You can continue to expect innovation from Instancy as we make our entire system easier for both your learning users who consume your learning content, and for your management and support teams who acquire, create and provide this content to your community.


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