Traditional eLearning and Online Learning Course Paradigm is Not Effective

Traditional eLearning and Online Learning Course Paradigm is Not Effective


Traditional eLearning and Online Learning Course Paradigm does not Match Knowledge-Worker Needs First generation CBT (Computer Based Training) and eLearning, in the eighties and nineties, was centered on automation and ‘e’ enablement of classroom training in which learning is typically organized as monolithic courses converted to eLearning or WBT (Web Based Training) courses.


However, end-users (knowledge-workers) are working in a very fast-paced and fast-changing environment and don’t have time to find specific information when they need it from within these eLearning courses. The time away from work for training classrooms or eLearning courses is constantly shrinking. In addition, the content generation process for classroom training materials or eLearning courseware tends to be very slow and does not match the speed of business processes such as product lifecycles, customer service, channel partner relationship management, etc. First generation eLearning does not match the work or business process context and often does not match the natural learning processes within today’s performance and knowledge-centered work environment. In most cases, the context, relevance, and immediacy of information or knowledge are missing.


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