We no longer think twice about watching a video versus reading a document. Sadly, fewer people are reading these days as interactive media is now the first choice for most. With the lower cost of entry into video, it didn’t take long for video-based learning to become popular. Some statistics to back that up include:
* Elearningindustry.com says the typical learner remembers 10% of text they read, 65% of what they visually see. If the two are combined, there is a 95% retention in audio-visual; hence video’s popularity.
* International Data Corporation (IDC) states that by the end of 2019, video was responsible for 80% of internet usage around the world.
* In 2020, 98% of organizations plan to include video in their learning strategy planning according to Chief Learning Magazine
What is Video based Learning?
As the term implies, we can use videos for learning or knowledge transfer. A course or learning event can be entirely video-based or video is used to enhance virtual classroom material. For example, an instructor might have a stand-alone video be a prerequisite to the course. Videos is great for supplemental knowledge after the class or even as a topic for class discussion during the virtual classroom.
How we implement video within the curriculum design is important. A long video may be difficult for the student to stream or download. Excessive video length may result in the student getting distracted or not focusing entirely thus losing educational value. All content developers incorporate storytelling into their work. Video is the ultimate storyteller. It allows emotion to surface, making it more persuasive than other content. We all learn differently and adapt to one learning style over another; i.e., visual, auditory or kinesthetic. The cost to produce video has dropped significantly. When designed correctly, multiple short video snippets allow the learner to take advantage of microlearning thus making the learning event overwhelming.

Benefits of Video Based Learning
The benefits of video far outweigh any risks. Younger learners prefer interactive learning, especially when it is also entertaining. Video-based learning:
* Can make a dull eLearning course come to life because of how it engages our creative mind
* In 2020, 98% of organizations plan to include video in their learning strategy planning according to Chief Learning Magazine
* When learners are engaged, they are more motivated and participation more
* Relaxes us thereby reducing cognitive overload
* Simplifies complex topics
* Takes tedious process instruction and simplifies it because the learner watches the process versus reading the process and visualizing it at the same time
Video Best Practices
* Before producing a video, set clear-cut content objectives and learner outcomes
* Keep videos under three minutes
* Always include audio
Add close caption so learners can also read the text (also makes it ADA compliant)
* Do not use screen captures for your videos if teaching a software application – incorporate screen recordings
The Instancy Learning Platform does not produce video. It delivers and manages it. Instancy helps you manage video-based learning:
* Build a repository of videos (upload videos or link to external video using embed code) and add meta-data properties to the videos
* With Instancy authoring tools, build learning modules or learning tracks and add videos
* Deliver video-based learning on private labeled web portals and mobile native apps (iOS and Android apps)
* Enhance video with follow-up questions or quizzes to ensure learners can demonstrate the knowledge gained by watching videos
* Build a gallery or library of videos within the Learning Management Portal to enable learners to search and find relevant videos as just-in-time micro-learning
* Reports: Track learner progress on the videos/percentage completion
Technology is moving rapidly. We are beginning to see surveys embedded in videos. One video can be cut into different segments, with only content shown to the learner because of choices they make within the video. It is an exciting time to be a learning professional!
The Instancy Team